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The Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting

July 1992, San Francisco, California

CNS*1992 Tutorials July 26th

The first day of the CNS*92 meeting (July 26th), will be devoted to tutorials. The tenative tutorial subjects and schedual follows:

9:30 - 11:30 : Introductory tutorials

  1. "Neurobiology for the non-neurobiologist: A question and answer based presentation."
    John Miller (U.C. Berkeley) and friends.
  2. "Modeling the nervous system: what approach to use when"
    Idan Segev (Hebrew University) Bard Ermentrout (Univ. Pittsburgh) and Jim Bower (Caltech).

11:30 - 1:00 : Lunch

1:00 - 3:30 : Technical tutorials

  1. "New techniques for analysis in neurobiology."
    • "Information theoretic approaches" - Fred Theunissen (U.C.Berkeley)
    • "Dyanimcal systems analysis" - John Rinzel (NIH)
    • "Model-based analysis procedures" - Robert Treuhaft (JPL)
  2. "technical issues in multi-single neuron recording"
    • "Introduction: why is multi-single neuron data important?" - Jim Bower (Caltech)
    • "Constructing multi-neuron electrodes from silicon" - Greg Kovacs (Stanford)
    • "Large scale data aquisition: parallel DSPs and data aquisition" - Jay Kubicky (Caltech)
    • "Spike recognition" - Shai Gozani (U.C. Berkeley)
    • "Data visualization" - Frank Eeckman (Lawrence Livermore Labs)

3:30 - 5:00 : Computational Neuroscience Infrastructure