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The Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting

July 1994, Monterey, California

CNS*1994 Workshops

The Post-meeting workshops will be held over two full days at Asilomar Conference Center at Asilomar State Beach in Pacific Grove, California. The workshops are intended to provide an opportunity for conference participants to informally discuss results presented at the main meeting as well as important issues in computational neuroscience. The organizer of the workshops this year is Mike Hasselmo.

Workshop Topics

Workshop topics will be established in one of two ways:

  1. Meeting participants interested in particular subjects can submit those subjects prior to the meeting to Mike Hasselmo, via email. Suggestions should include the title of the workshop, a brief abstract describing the issue(s) involved, and any other meeting attendees known to be interested in participating. Information about these workshops will be posted on the CNS*94 ftp site.
  2. Workshop subjects can also be suggested during the main meeting. We are particularly interested in topics that arise as a result of meeting presentations. A bulletin board at the meeting will be used for participant sign-up. The bulletin board will list all suggested workshops as well as the current list of participants.

Workshop Structure

The workshops themselves will be conducted as informal discussions. Large paper tablets will be available. The use of slides or overheads, however, is discouraged. Each workshop group will be asked to appoint a secretary to keep track of the relevant questions and discussion points. Particular attention should be paid to the relevant "open" questions on the particular issue being discussed. Evening sessions will be organized in which each workshop will report their results to the entire group.

Workshop Location

All workshops and lodging for participants will be at the Asilomar Conference Center. This state run conference facility is located on the beautiful Asilomar State Beach in Pacific Grove California. The facilities include multiple cabins and lodges as well as many opportunities for walks and nature study.

Logistical Arrangements

All workshop participants will be housed at the conference center. Meals and lodging are included in the workshop registration costs. Transportation will be arranged to and from the main meeting location in downtown Monterey. The weather can be expected to be warm and sunny.

Suggestions for Workshop Topics

Please send suggestions to Mike Hasselmo.

Include the following material:

  1. a title
  2. a brief (300 word) abstract
  3. a list of any known interested participants