The Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting
July 11 - 15, 1995, Monterey, California
CNS*1995 Workshop information
The Post-meeting workshops for CNS*95 will be held at the same location as the main conference (The Monterey Doubletree Hotel). They will take place on the last day of the conference, July 15. The workshops will provide an opportunity for conference participants to informally discuss results presented at the main meeting was well as important issues in computational neuroscience. Invited speakers will be strongly urged to attend the workshops, to participate in further discussion of issues raised in their talks. The organizer of the workshops this year is Mike Hasselmo.
When making travel arrangements for the conference, plan on arriving the evening of Tuesday, July 11, and leaving on the morning of Sunday, July 16.
Workshop Topics
Workshop topics will be established in one of two ways:
- Meeting participants interested in particular subjects are encouraged to submit proposals prior to the meeting to Mike Hasselmo, via email. Suggestions should include the title of the workshop, a brief abstract describing the issue(s) involved, and any other meeting attendees known to be interested in participating. Information about these workshops will be posted on the CNS*95 ftp site and at the conference.
- Workshop subjects can also be suggested during the main meeting. We are particularly interested in topics that arise as a result of meeting presentations. A bulletin board at the meeting will be used for participant sign-up. The bulletin board will list all suggested workshops as well as the current list of participants.
Workshop Structure
The workshops themselves will be conducted as informal discussions, lasting for full or half day sessions. Large paper tablets will be available. The use of slides or overheads, however, is discouraged. Each workshop group will be asked to appoint a secretary to keep track of the relevant questions and discussion points. Particular attention should be paid to the relevant "open" questions on the particular issue being discussed. We will have an evening session on July 15 in which each workshop will report their results to the entire group.
Workshop location
As noted above, in contrast to previous years, the workshops this year will be at the same location as the main conference, the Monterey Doubletree Hotel, so make your reservations to stay over night of Saturday, July 15. Plan on leaving the morning of Sunday, July 16. There is no separate registration fee for the workshops this year, and meals during the workshop will not be provided.
To suggest workshop topics, send e-mail to Michael Hasselmo.