The Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting
July 6 - 10, 1997, Big Sky, Montana
CNS*1997 Meeting Agenda
Sunday, July 6, 1997
9:00 : Welcoming Remarks and General Information
9:15 : John Rinzel (MRB/NIDDK/NIH) and Michael J. O'Donovan
A Model Based on Synaptic Depression for Population Rhythmogenesis
10:05 : C. van Vreeswijk (Hebrew University) and D. Hansel
Rhythmic Bursting in Networks of Adaptive Spiking Neurons
10:25 : Farzan Nadim (Brandeis University), Yair Manor, M.P. Nusbaum and Eve Marder
The Interplay of the Slow MCN1-activated Gastric Mill Rhythm and the Fast Pyloric Oscillator
in the Stomatogastric Ganglion of the Crab
10:45 : Jesper Tegner (Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology), Anders Lansner, and Sten
Activity Dependent Modulation of the Burst Rate by Calcium-dependent Potassium Channels in
11:05 : Break
11:20 : Maria Ullstrom (Karolinska Institutet) A. Lansner, J. Kotaleski Hellgren, and S.
Significance of Modulated Adaptation for Rhythm Generation and Intersegmental Co-ordination
in Lamprey
11:40 : Mike Casey (Brandeis University) Jorge Golowasch, Eve Marder, and L. F. Abbott
Activity-dependent Regulation of Conductances: Stabilization and Recovery of Network
Oscillatory Behavior
12:00 : D. A. Butts (University of California, Berkeley) Marla Feller, Holly Aaron, Carla J.
Shatz, and D. S. Rokhsar
A Two-Layer Model Reproduces the Spatiotemporal Properties of Spontaneous Retinal Waves
12:20 : Lunch Break and preview of Poster Session A
2:20 : To be announced
3:10 : Sharon M. Crook (MRB/NIDDK) G. Bard Ermentrout and James M. Bower
Spike Frequency Adaptation Affects the Synchronization Properties of Networks of Cortical
3:30 : David Golomb (Ben-Gurion University of Negev), Ilya A. Fleidervish, and Michael J.
Synchronization of Propagating Discharges in Neocortical Slices
3:50 : Break
4:10 : Dietmar Plenz (University of Tennessee) and Stephen T. Kitai
Burst Discharge in Striatal Medium Spiny Neurons and Fast Spiking Interneurons Driven by
Cortical Gamma Oscillations
4:30 : To be announced
5:20 : End of Day Announcements
8:00 : Poster Session A
Hagai Agmon-Snir (NIDDK, NIH), Catherine E. Carr, and John Rinzel
Dendritic Computation and Sound Localization: The Role of Dendrites in the Cells of the ITD
Kurt F. Aherns (University of California, Berkeley) and Walter J. Freeman
Negative Feedback Governs the Response of Entorhinal Cortex to Olfactory Input (in
Thomas J. Anastasio (University of Illinois)
Symmetry and Self-organization of the Oculomotor Neural Integrator
Charles H. Anderson (Washington University School of Medicine)
Texture Analysis by Cortical Circuits
Bill Baird (University of California at Berkeley)
An Oscillating Cortical Network Model of Sensory-motor Timing and Cordination
Michael J. Barber (Washington University) and Jeff W. Lichtmann
Resolving the Paradoxical Effect of Activity on Synapse Elimination
Hans-Ulrich Bauer (Max-Plank-Institut), Dirk Brockmann, Maximilian Riesenhuber, and Theo
Conditions for the Joint Emergence of Orientation and Ocular Dominance in a High-dimensional
Self-organizing Map
James A. Bednar (University of Texas at Austin) and Risto Miikkulainen
Pattern-generator-driven Development in Self-organizing Models
Rani Ben-Yishai (Hebrew University), David Hansel, and Haim Sompolinsky
Traveling Waves and Sensory Processing in a Cortical Network Module
J. T. Birmingham (Brandeis University), Yair Manor, Farzan Nadim, L. F. Abbott, and Eve
A Comparison of Approaches to Characterizing Graded Synaptic Transmission in the Lobster
Pyloric Network
Kim T. Blackwell (George Mason University), T. P. Vogel and D. L. Alkon
Cellular Mechanisms of Calcium Elevation Involved in Long Term Memory
Carlos D. Brody (Caltech)
On Different Types of Cross-correlations, all of which Generate Significantly Peaked
Emery N. Brown (Massachusetts General Hospital), Loren Frank, Dengda Tang, and Matthew A.
A Bayesian Algorithm for Decoding Neural Spike Trains
Robert J. Butera (NIH-NIDDK), Jeffrey C. Smith, and John Rinzel
Synchronization and Frequency Control of Bursting Neurons with Excitatory Synaptic
Sydney Cash (Columbia University) and Rafael Yuste
Effect of Dentritic Morphology on Spatial Integration in Hippocampal Neurons in
Frances Chance (Brandeis University), S. B. Nelson, and L. F. Abbott
Directional-selectivity from Synaptic Depression
Thomas D. Coates Jr. (Pennsylvania State University)
The Paperless Laboratory: An Integrated Environment for Data Acquisition, Analysis,
Collaboration, and Authoring
Howard A. Crystal (Albert Einstein College of Medicine), Elliot Menschik, and Leif Finkel
Biophysically Realistic Computational Models of Short Term Working Memory
Longxiang Dai (University of British Colombia), and Robert M. Miura
Lattice Gas Cellular Automata Model for Migration of Ions in the Brain-cell Microenvironment
and Determination of Tortuosity and Volume Fraction
Sunil S. Dalal (University of Southern California), Vasilis Z. Marmarelis, and Theodore W.
A Nonlinear Systems Approach of Characterizing AMPA and NMDA Receptor Dynamics
Socrates Deligeorges (Boston University), David C. Mountain
Modeling the Auditory Periphery Response to Amplitude Modulated Stimuli
Didier A. Depireux (University of Maryland), Jonathan Z. Simon, and Shihab A. Shamma
Response-field Dynamics in the Auditory Pathway
Mario F. Simoni (Georgia Institute of Technology), Stephen P. DeWeerth, Girish N. Patel, and
Ron L. Calabrese
Analog VLSI Model of the Leech Heartbeat Elemental Oscillator
Alexander Dimitrov (The University of Chicago) and Jack D. Cowan
Edge Detectors and Texture Detectors Differ in their Lateral Connectivity
Rogene M. Eichler West (Caltech), George L. Wilcox, James M. Bower, and Erik De Schutter
Mesh Generation Software and Numerical Convergence Analysis for the Production of
Morphometrically Realistic Neuron Models
Rogene M. Eichler West (Caltech), Erik De Schutter, and George L. Wilcox
Voltage-gated Ion Channels May Contribute Significantly to EPSP Modulation as Observed in CA3
Hippocampal Plasticity
M. Eisele (Salk Institutute)
Reinforcement Learning of Control by Model Neurons of Pyramidal Type
Udo Ernst (MPI fur Stromungsforschung), Klaus Pawlzik, Fred Wolf, and Theo Geisel
Orientation Contrast Enhancement Modulated by Differential Long-Range Interactions in Visual
Jean-Marc Fellous (Brandeis University) and John Lisman
Multiple Carbachol-induced Oscillations in the Hippocampus
Elliot D. Menschik (University of Pennsylvania), Leif H. Finkel, and Shih-Cheng Yen
Attractor Dynamics in Realtistic Hippocampal Networks
J. P. A. Foweraker (University of Calgary) and M. Hulliger
Development of a Mathematical Model of the Golgi Tendon Organ
F. Frisone (University of Genova), P. Vitali, and P. Morasso
Cortical Activity Pattern in Complex Tasks
Gyongyi Gael (University of California Berkeley), W. J. Freeman
Relations Among EEGs from Entorhinal Cortex, Olfactory Bulb, Somatomotor, Auditory and Visual
Cortices in Trained Cats
Asif A. Ghazanfar (Duke University Medical Center), Marshall G. Shuler, and Miguel A. L.
Processing of Behaviorally-relevant Tactile Information by Thalamocortical Ensembles
Bruce J. Gluckman (Children's National Medical Center), Theoden I. Netoff, William L. Ditto,
Mark L. Spano, and Steven J. Schiff
Experimental Observation of Stochastic Resonance in Neuronal Networks from Mammalian
J. Randall Gobbel (UCSD)
A Biophysical Model of Sequence Control via Corticostriatal Loop Circuits
Allan Gottschalk (Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania)
A Hebbian Algorithm That Balances Information Rate and Neural Resource Consumption
T. Grobler (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Single-Compartment Bursting Model of the CA3 Pyramidal Cell
Boris S. Gutkin (University of Pittsburgh), G. Bard Ermentrout
Dynamics of Spike Generation Determines In Vivo Spike Train Statistics
Gary L. Haith (Stanford University), David J. Heeger
Modeling Refinement in the Retinogeniculate Projection: The Role of Waves
J. A. Halter (Baylor College of Medicine), F. K. Mosallaie, and B. Zupan
Modeling Ion Concentration Dynamics in Myelinated Nerve Fibers
David J. Pinto (University of Pittsburgh), Jed A. Hartings, Joshua C. Brumberg, and Daniel J.
Cortical Amplication vs. Damping: Mechanisms of Response Tuning in LocalCircuits
Rowshanak Hashemiyoon (Allegheny University of the Health Science) and John K. Chapin
Specific Features of Visual Stimuli May Be Revealed in Unique Oscillatory Patterns in the
Subcortical Visual System
Vikaas S. Sohol (Harvard University) and Michael E. Hasselmo
A Mathematical Description for GABAergic Modulation of Sequence Disambiguation in Hippocampal
Region CA3
Monday, July 7, 1997
9:00 : General Information
9:15 : Brad Motter (Veterans Affairs Medical Center)
Stability of Receptive Field Maps Across Repeated Fixations
10:05 : Michele Fabre-Thorpe (Faculte de Medecine de Rangueil), Ghislaine Richard, Denis Fize,
and Simon Thorpe
Rapid Categorization of Extrafoveal Natural Images: Implications for Biological Models
10:25 : George J. Kalarickal (University of North Carolina) and Jonathan A. Marshall
Modeling Dynamic Receptive Field Changes Produced by Intracortical Microstimulation
10:45 : Ko Sakai (Institute of Physical & Chemical Research Shigeru Tanaka)
Computational Mechanisms Underlying the Second-order Structure of Cortical Complex Cells
11:05 : Break
11:20 : Bartlett W. Mel (University of Southern California), Daniel L. Ruderman, and Kevin A.
Binocular Disparity Tuning in Cortical 'Complex' Cells: Yet Another Role for Intradendritic
11:40 : Juergen Haag (Friedrich-Miescher) and Alexander Borst
Encoding of Motion Information in Visual Interneurons of the Blowfly
12:00 : Charlotte M. Gruner (Rice University) and Don H. Johnson
Analysis of Sensory Coding in the Lateral Superior Olive
12:20 : Michael Paulin (University of Otago) Dana Cohen, Hanoch Meiri, and Yosef Yarom
Rapid Synaptic Weight Changes in Shark Electrosensory Neurons Enable the Detection of Small
12:40 : Lunch Break and Poster Preview Session B
2:00 : Frederic E. Theunissen (University of California, S. F.) and Allison J. Doupe
Temporal and Spectral Sensitivity of Complex Auditory Neurons in the Song Bird
2:50 : J. C. Roddey (University of California, Berkeley), B. Girish, J. C. Roddey, and John P.
A Metric for Assessing the Linearity of Neural Encoding
3:10 : M. C. W. van Rossum (University of Pennsylvania), R. G. Smith
Simulation of Noise Removal at Rod Synapse
3:30 : Christiane Linster (Harvard University), and Brian H. Smith
Learning of Odorant Mixtures in a Model of the Honeybee Antennal Lobe: How Blocking Can Arise
from Lateral Inhibition
3:50 : Break
4:10 : John S. Pezaris (Caltech), Maneesh Sahani, and Richard A. Andersen
Extracellular Recording from Multiple Neighboring Cells: Correlation Analysis of Spike Trains
in Parietal Cortex
4:30 : John Donoghue (Brown University), Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos, and Catherine Ojakangas
Temporal Encoding in Motor Cortex and its Modulation with Learning
5:20 : End of Day Announcements
8:00 : Poster Session B
Robert H. Lee (Northwestern University Medical School) and C. J. Heckman
Active Dendritic Conductances Influence the Relations Between Synaptic Input and the
Current-voltage Relation of Adult Spinal Motoneurons
T. A. Hely (The University of Edinburgh) and D. J. Willshaw
A New Model of Dynamic Instability of Microtubules in Growth Cones
Claus C. Hilgetag (University of Newcastle upon Tyne), Gully A. P. C. Burns, Mark A. O'Neill,
and Malcolm P. Young
Cluster Structure of Cortical Systems in Mammalian Brains
Ching E. Ho (Caltech)
Letter Recognition Reveals Two Pathways for Second-order Motion Stimuli
William R. Holmes (Ohio University) and Ildiko Aradi
Modeling the Contributions of Calcium Channels and NMDA Receptor Channels to Calcium Current
in Dendritic Spines
David Horn (Tel Aviv University), Nir Levy, and Eytan Ruppin
Dynamic Memory Maintenance
M. T. Huber (Universit=E4t Marburg), H. A. Braun, K. Voigt, and J.-C. Krieg
Computational Properties of Intrinsic Subthreshold Oscillations: Possible Roles for Function
and Dysfunction
Gwen Jacobs (Montana State University), Sussan Paydar, and Caitlin C. Doan
Neural Mapping of Multiple Functional Parameters in the Cricket Cercal Sensory System
Adam Jacobs (University of California, Berkeley) and Frank Werblin
Dynamic Edge Extraction in the Retina of Tiger Salamander
R. V. Jensen (Wesleyan University) and D.H. Gartner
Synchronization of Randomly Driven Nonlinear Oscillators and the Reliable Firing of cortical
Ole Jensen (Brandeis University) and John E. Lisman
A Physiologically Realistic Model of the Sternberg Memory Task Accounts Quantitatively for
Response Time Distributions
Don H. Johnson (Rice University) and Charlotte M. Gruner
Neural Ensemble Processing with Types
Pat Johnson (UCLA), J. C. Klopp, E. Halgren, N. Goddard, G. Hood, and V. I. Nenov
LTP Dependent Stability of Input Specificity in a Computational CA3 Model
Jorge V. Jose (Northeastern University), P. H. E. Tiesinga, and W-J Rappel
Synchronicity in Networks of Noisy Interneurons
Ranu Jung (University of Kenntucky) and Suzanne Generazzo
Response to Perturbations of a Neural Network Model of Locomotor Control in the Lamprey
=C1. Kepecs (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) and P. =C9rdi
On the Differences Between Somatic and Dendritic Inhibition: Is the Complex-burst a Unit of
Neural Information?
Karl Kilborn (University of California), Gary Lynch, and Richard Granger
Encoding Context in Spatial Navigation: One Role of Dentate Gyrus
Kenneth L. Levy (Acoustic Information Processing Lab, LLC) and Daryl R. Kipke
Differences in Signal Encoding Between Single-cell and Ensemble Models of the Cochlear
Nucleus Octopus Cell
Josef Kleinle (Universitat Bern), M. Larkum, N. J. Buchs, and H.-R. L=FCscher
Cable Properties of Motoneurons from Rat Spinal Cord
John C. Klopp (UCLA School of Medicine), P. Johnston, V. I. Nenov, N. Goddard, G. Hood, and E.
A Computational Approach to Understanding Epileptogenesis
Jeanette H. Kotaleski (Karolinska Institutet), Anders Lasner, and Sten Grillner
Production of Phase Lag in Chains of Neural Networks Oscillating through an Escape
Bart Krekelberg (King's College London) and John G. Taylor
A Dynamic Neighbourhood Function in Volume Learning
Bart Krekelberg (King's College London) and John G. Taylor
Learning in the Basal Ganglia - Latent Inhibition
Jeffrey L. Krichmar (George Mason University), James L. Olds, and Lawrence Hunter
The Qualitative Reasoning Neuron: A New Approach to Modeling in Computational
Yoshi-hisa Kubota (Caltech) and James M. Bower
Different Modes of Intrinsic Firing Activity and Resonance in Modeled Olfactory Bulb
Mark Kvale (University of California, S. F.) and Christoph E. Schreiner
Perturbative M-Sequences for Auditory Systems Identification
Anders Lansner (Royal Institute of Technology), Tekniska Hogskolan, Jeanette Hellgren
Kotaleski, and Maria Ullstrom, and Sten Grillner
Local Spinal Modulation of the Calcium Dependent Potassium Channel Underlying Slow Adaptation
in a Model of the Lamprey CPG
Huo Lu (Pennsylvania State Univ. Med. College), Linda J. Larson-Prior, and Fred W. Prior
The Role of Feedforward and Feedback Inhibition on Frequency-dependent Information
Processing in A Cerebellar Granule Cell
Xiangbao Wu (University of Virginia) and William B. Levy
A Hippocampal-like Neural Network Model Solves the Transitive Inference Problem
John E. Lewis (University of California, San Diego) and William B. Kristan Jr.
From Tough Localization to Directed Motor Output in the Leech Local Bend Network
Christiane Linster (Harvard University) and Michael E. Hasselmo
Noradrenergic Modulation of Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Olfactory Cortex
Andreas Lorincz (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
From Control Architecture to the Basic Circuit of the Cortex Using Dynamic Feedback
Andreas Lorincz (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Modeling Huntington's and Parkinson's Diseases by Using the Static and Dynamic State Feedback
Control Scheme
Steven B. Lowen (Boston University), Tsuyoshi Ozaki, Ehud Kaplan, and Malvin C. Teich
Fractal Action-potential Statistics in the Cat's Lower Visual System
William W. Lytton (University of Wisconsin)
Adapting a Feedforward Heteroassociative Network to Hodgkin-Huxley Dynamics
Wolfgang Maass (Technische Universitat Graz) and Thomas Natschl=E4ger
Networks of Spiking Neurons Can Emulate Arbitrary Hopfield Nets in Temporal Coding
Reinoud Maex (University of Antwerp) and Erik De Schutter
The Granular Layer of the Cerebellum: A Device for Synchronization?
Yair Manor (Brandeis University), Farzan Nadim, L. F. Abbott, and Eve Marder
Using a Computational Model to Study the Dynamics of Synaptic Transmission Between Neurons in
the Lobster Pyloric Network in an Experimental Setting
Victor Matveev (Brandeis University) and Xiao-Jing Wang
Synaptic Dynamics with Short-term Facilitation and Depression: A Stochastic Model
P. May (King's College London), H. Tiitinen, M. Huotilainen, J. G. Taylor, and R.
A Model of Frequency Change Detection in Auditory Cortex
David A. Batte (Texas A&M University), Bruce H. McCormick, and Travis S. Chow
Finite Element Decomposition of Human Neocortex
Mayank R. Mehta (University of Arizona) and Bruce L. McNaughton
The Role of Synaptic Depression in Navigation: Data and a Network Model
Lee E. Moore (Laboratoire de Physiologie), James T. Buchanan, and C. Richard Murphey
Plateau Oscillations of Lamprey Neurons During Locomotor Activity
S. Singh (Boston University) and David C. Mountain
Modeling the Auditory Nerve Responses to Repeating Temporal Sequences
Hirofumi Nagashino (The University of Tokushima), Kazumi Achi, and Yohsuke Kinouchi
Entrainment of a Reciprocal Inhibition Neuronal Network Model to a Periodic Pulse Train
Mark E. Nelson (University of Illinois)
A Model of Electrosensory Image Enhancement by Descending Gain Control
A. Ogielsky (Rutgers University), J. Dimarogonas, T. J. Tarn, R. Arikan, and S. M.
End-to-End Model of Vertical Vestibulo-oculomotor System for Research on Cerebellar Function
and Motor Learning
S. Song (Brandeis University), S. B. Nelson, J. A. Varela, G. Turrigiano, L. F. Abbott
The Dynamics of Synaptic Depression at Monosynaptic Inhibitory Inputs to Visual Cortical
Pyramidal Neurons
Tuesday, July 8, 1997
9:00 : General Information
9:15 : To Be Announced
10:05 : Upinder S. Bhalla (National Centre for Biological Sciences: Bangalore India)
Is CaMKII Just a Kinase?
10:25 : W. G. Gibson (University of Sydney), M. R. Bennett, and J. Robinson
Modeling the Evoked Release of Quanta at Active Zones: Theoretical Investigation of the
Secretosome Hypothesis
10:45 : Joel R. Stiles (Cornell University), Thomas M. Bartol Jr., Edwin E. Salpeter, and
Miriam M. Salpeter
Monte Carlo Simulation of Neurotransmitter Release Using MCell, A General Simulator of
Cellular Physiological Processes
11:05 : Break
11:20 : Mike Neubig (Universite Laval), Daniel Ulrich, John R. Huguenard, and Alain
Dendritic Calcium Currents in Thalamic Relay Cells
11:40 : Erik De Schutter (University of Antwerp - UIA)
Detailed Model of Ryanodine Receptor-mediated Calcium Release in Purkinje Cells
12:00 : Federal Funding Opportunities
12:40 : Lunch Break and Poster Preview Session C
2:00 : Alain Destexhe (Laval University School of Medicine), Eric Lang, and Denis Pare
Somato-dendritic Interactions Underlying Action Potential Generation in Neocortical Pyramidal
2:50 : Akaysha C. Tang (Salk Institute for Biological Studies), Andreas M. Bartels, and
Terrence J. Sejnowski
Effects of Cholinergic Modulation on Responses of Neocortical Neurons to Fluctuating
3:10 : A. D. Coop (The University of Sydney) and S. J. Redman
The Inhibitory Control of Pyramidal Cell Discharge in a Neural Network Simulation of A Local
Circuit in Hippocampus area CA1
3:30 : William B. Levy (University of Virginia Health Sciences Center), Per B. Sederberg, and
David August
Sequence Compression by a Hippocampal Model: A Functional Dissection
3:50 : Leif H. Finkel (University of Pennsylvania), Shih-Cheng Yen, and Elliot D. Menschik
Perceptual Saliency and Cortical Synchronization
4:10 : Walter J. Freeman (University of California of Berkeley) and John M. Barrie
Analysis of Local Phase Gradients in Neocortical EEGs Giving Size Estimates of Coherent
Activity Domains
4:30 : To Be Announced
5:20 : End of Day Announcements
8:00 : Poster Session C
Leslie C. Osborne (University of California, Berkeley) and John P. Miller
The Filtering of Sensory Information by a Mechanoreceptive Array
James M. E. Patterson (Univ. of Texas at Dallas), Mark E. Jackson, Kush Paul, and Larry
Analysis of Coupled Chaoscillators Embedded Within Thalamocortical and Corticocortical
Reentrant Loops Encompassing Dynamics on Multiple Time Scales
Kush Paul (University of Texas at Dallas), Mark E. Jackson, James Patterson, Lawrence J.
Presence of a Chaotic Region Between Subthreshold Oscillations and Rhythmic Bursting in a
Simulation of Inerconnected Thalamocortical Relay and Reticular Neurons: Dependence of Chaos on
Inhibitory Synaptic Conductance from Reticular Neurons
Xing Pei (University of Missouri), David F. Russell, Lon A. Wilkens, and Frank Moss
Dynamics of Electrorecptors in the Paddlefish Polyodon Spathula
Sergei Rebrik (University of California, San Francisco), Svilen Tzonev, and Ken Miller
Analysis of Tetrode Recordings in Cat Visual Cortex
Jason Ritt (Boston University), Carson Chow, Cristina Soto-Trevino, Nancy Kopell, and John
Synchronization and Oscillatory Dynamics in Heterogeneous, Mutually Inhibited Neurons
Raphael Ritz (The Salk Institute for Biological Studies) and Terrence J. Sejnowski
Correlation Coding in Stochastic Neural Networks
Adrian Robert (UCSD)
A Model of the Effects of Lamination and Celltype Specialization in the Neocortex
Stephane Roy (Pennsylvania State University Medical College) and Kevin D. Alloway
Local Corticocortical Interactions in the Somatosensory System
Berthold Ruf (Institute for Theoretical Computer Science) and Michael Schmitt
Self-organizing Maps of Spiking Neurons Using Temporal Coding
Christine W. J. Chee-Ruiter (Caltech) and James M. Bower
Representing Order Quality Space: A Perceptual Framework for Olfactory Processing
Maneesh Sahani (Caltech), John S. Pezaris, and Richard A. Andersen
Extracellular Recording from Multiple Neighboring Cells: A Maximum-likelihood Solution to the
Spike-separation Problem
Emilio Salinas (UNAM) and Ranulfo Romo
Cortical Serial Processing Acounts for Psychophysical Performance in a Categorization
Fidel Santamaria (Caltech), James M. Bower, and Sarita M. James
A Purkinje Cell Model as A Non-spatial Integrator and the Consequences for the Simplification
of Its Dendritic Tree
Steven J. Schiff (Children's National Medical Center), Paul So, and Robert E. Burke
Dynamical Interdependence and Generalized Synchrony in a Neural Ensemble
Thomas Schlumpberger (University of California, Berkeley)
A Calcium Diffusion-reaction Model for Facilitation
Jonathan A. Marshall (University of North Carolina), Charles P. Schmitt, George J. Kalarickal,
and Richard K. Alley
Neural Model of Transfer-of-Binding in Visual Relative Motion Perception
Elad Schneidman (Hebrew University), Barry Freedman, and Idan Segev
Spike Timing Reliability in a Stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley Model
K. Sen (Brandeis University), J. C. Jorge-Rivera, E. Marder, and L. F. Abbott
Characterizing Modulation of Synapses Using Synaptic Decoding
Walter Senn (Hebrew University), Misha Tsodyks, and Idan Segev
Depressing Synapses Help Detect Correlated Neural Activity
Ladan Shams (University of Southern California), Joezsef Fiser
A Model for Development of Cortical Lateral Connectivities Using Motion Information
Harel Shouval (Brown University) and =D6mer B. Artun
Can Stochastic Neurons Support Spatio-temporal Codes
M. A. Smith (York University) and J. D. Crawford
Modeling the Vestibulo-ocular Reflex in Three Dimensional Space
Paul So (Children's Research Institute) and Steven J. Schiff
Detection of Unstable Periodic Orbits in Mammalian Neural Ensembles
Friedrich T. Sommer (University of Ulm) and G. Palm
Bidirectional Completion of Cell Assemblies in the Cortex
Volker Steuber (Edinburgh University) and David J. Willshaw
Modeling the Control of Calcium Oscillations by Phosphorylation of Metabotrophic Glutamate
Michael Stiber (University of California, Berkeley), Gwen A. Jacobs, and Deborah Swanberg
From Cells to Systems: Logos and METALogos
Bilin Zhang Stiber (University of California, Berkeley) and Edwin R. Lewis
A State Space Model of Gerbil Cochlea
S. P. Strong (Institute for Advanced Study), William Bialek, Rob R. de Ruyter van Steveninck,
and Geoffrey D. Lewen
Entropy and Informaton in Neural Spike Trains
M-A. Tagamets (NIH-NIDDK) and Barry Horwitz
A Computational Model of GABAA Agonist Studies in Human Brain Imaging
David C. Tam (University of North Texas)
Regularity in Spike Firing with Random Inputs Detected by Method Extracting Contribution of
Temporal Integration of a Pair of Incoming Spikes to the Firing of a Neuron
Masami Tatsuno (Waseda University) and Yoji Aizawa
Model of Hippocampal LTP Induced by Time-Structured Stimuli
Jesper Tegner (Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology), Anders Lansner, and Sten Grillner
Modulation of Oscillatory Properties, Burst Rates, Intersegmental Coordination by
GABAB-receptor Activation in the Lamprey
Simon Thorpe (Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition) and Jacques Gautrais
Rank-order Coding: A New Coding Scheme for Rapid Processing in Neural Networks
Mark C. Fuhs (University of Illinois), David S. Touretzky, and A. David Redish
A Visually-driven Hippocampal Place Cell Model
A. David Redish (Carnegie Mellon University) and David S. Touretzky
The Role of the Hippocampus in the Morris Water Maze
Misha V. Tsodyks (Weizmann Institute of Science), Klaus Pawelzik, and Henry Markram
Emergent Dynamical Model of Neocortical Neural Networks
Jeffrey Colombe (University of Chicago) and Philip S. Ulinski
Temporal Structure of Evoked Postsynaptic Potentials in Cortical Neurons Depends on Dendrite
Arbor Morphology
Nathaniel N. Urban (University of Pittsburgh), Darrell A. Henze, and German Barrionuevo
Amplification of Distal Synaptic Input to CA3 Pyramidal Cells by Voltage-dependent Calcium
and Sodium Channels
Toshihiro Aoyama (Toyohashi University of Technology), Shiro Usui, and Yoshimi Kamiyama
Simulation Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Properties of Retinal Rod Photoreceptor
Jean-Francois Vibert (Faculte de Medecine Saint-Antoine), Joel Pham, and Khashayar Pakdaman
A Coherent and Robust Model for Respiratory Rhythmogenesis
Gene V. Wallenstein (Harvard University) and Michael E. Hasselmo
GABAergic Modulation of Hippocampal Population Coding: Sequence Learning, Place Field
Development, and Phase Precession
Michael Wehr (Caltech) and Gilles Laurent
Temporal Coding with Oscillations
Matthew Wiener (NIMH) and Barry Richmond
Time-dependence of Mean-variance Relations of Firing Rate in Visual Cortex.
Wednesday, July 9, 1997
9:30 : General Information
9:45 : G. G. Turrigiano (Brandeis University) K. Leslie, N. Desai, and S. B. Nelson
A Biological Mechanism for Synaptic Stability in Developing Neocortical Circuits
10:35 : Eytan Ruppin (Tel-Aviv University), Gal Chechik, and Isaac Meilijson
Synaptic Pruning in Development: A Novel Account in Neural Terms
10:55 : Brigitte Stricanne (Caltech), Josee Morissette, and James M. Bower
A Network Model of the Somatosensory System to Study Post-lesion Reorganization of Cerebellar
11:15 : Anthony E. Harris (University of Pittsburgh), G. Bard Ermentrout, and Steven L. Small
A Model of Ocular Dominance Column Formation by Competition for Neurotrophic Factor: Effects
of Excess NT with Monocular Deprivation and Effects of NT Antagonist
11:35 : Leon N. Cooper (Brown University), Harel Shouval, and Nathan Intrator
BCM Theory of Visual Cortical Plasticity: Experimental Foundation, Theoretical Results
12:00 : Lunch Break
1:30 : Workshops I - Organization
9:30 : Rock and Roll Jam Session
Thursday, July 10, 1997
9:30 : General Information
9:45 : To Be Announced
10:35 : Thomas C. Ferree (University of Oregon) and Shawn R. Lockery
Chemotaxis Control by Linear Recurrent Networks
10:55 : Lucy Hadden (University of California, San Diego)
A Neural Network Model of Naive Preference and Filial Imprinting in the Domestic Chick
11:15 : Hugh T. Blair (Yale University), Jeremy P. Goodridge, Robert W. Stackman, Patricia E.
Sharp, Edward J. Golob, and Jeffrey S. Taube
Experimental Evidence for a Path Integrator in the Rat Head-direction Circuit
11:35 : Jeremy B. Caplan (Massachusetts General Hospital), Randall R. Benson, James M. Hodgson,
Kaaren E. Bekken, Bruce R. Rosen, and Jeffrey P. Sutton
Weight-Space Mapping of fMRI Language Tasks
11:55 : Buisness Meeting
12:30 : Lunch Break
1:30 : Workshops II - Organization
5:00 : End of Meeting Announcements
7:00 : Banquet - Western BBQ and Dance Party