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The Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting

July 6 - 10, 1997, Big Sky, Montana

CNS*1997 Workshops

Synchrony in Neural Systems: can Theoreticans Contribute?

D. Hansel and C. van Vreeswijk

The capability of neural activity to become synchronized is now well established experimentally in a wide variety of small and large neural circuits. However the mechanisms that give rise to neural synchrony are not well understood. Furthermore the roles of synchronization in neural computation remain a mystery.

The goals of this minisymposium will be:

  1. To give an overview of the most recent experiments reporting observation of neural synchrony.
  2. To discuss the experimental evidence for correlation between synchronized activity and computational tasks.
  3. To evaluate the contributions of theoreticians to our understanding of cellular and synaptic mechanisms that give rise to the emergence of synchrony in neural systems.
  4. To examine the various functions of collective states proposed in models of neural computation.

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