The Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting
July 6 - 10, 1997, Big Sky, Montana
CNS*1997 Workshops
Neuroscience Online - Databases for Models and Experiments.
Rogene M. Eichler West
Within the past few years, several sites around the world have begun development of internet accessible neuroscientific databases. These sites typically specialize in one type of data (ion channels, time series, cell morphologies, MRI) or in a single preparation (retina, olfaction, aplysia, flybrain). In this workshop, we propose to have representatives from various databases and modelers discuss common needs and goals. As modelers will likely be the first "user group" of these online resources, this forum will provide a good opportunity during these early stages of database development to share what information you WANT online and how you want to access it. In return, representative from various database groups will share their exciting vision and progress towards creating queriable sources of data and information: Neuroscience Online.