The Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting
June 30 - July 5, 2001, San Francisco and Pacific Grove, California
CNS*01 Organizing Committee
Meeting Chair: Jim Bower, Caltech
Government Liaison:Dennis Glanzman, NIMH/NIH
Workshop Organizer:Maneesh Sahani, University College, London
Program Committee
Avrama Blackwell, George Mason University
Upinder Bhalla, National Centre for Biological Sciences
Victoria Booth, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Erik De Schutter, University of Antwerp
John Hertz, Nordita
Chip Levy, University of Virginia
Ray Glantz, Rice University
David Horn, University of Tel Aviv
Steven J. Schiff, George Mason University
Conference Support
Conference Administrator: Judy Macias, Caltech
Webmaster: Iljie Kim, Caltech and Numedeon