Welcome to the INCF/OCNS Comp Neuro cook book#
This is a location for the computational neuroscience community to share commonly used methods/code snippets with each other. They do not have to be, but may be, simulator specific. Anything that you use often that you think others may also find useful can go here.
This resource is maintained by the INCF/OCNS Software Working Group (WG). You can learn more about the working group and our activities on our website at https://ocns.github.io/SoftwareWG/. The working group is open to everyone to join. Please introduce yourself to the community here to get started.
The working group is shared between the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) and the Organization for Computational Neurosciences (OCNS).
Please use the issue tracker on the GitHub repository to provide any comments, suggestions, and feedback.