The INCF/OCNS Software Working Group


Next open WG event: July 09, 2024, 1500 UTC: Open Monthly Software WG meeting: Software Tools for Systems Neuroscience (Adam Tyson)

Neuroscience cannot exist without the software tools that we all rely on. So, this Working Group (WG) will focus on these. We will find and discuss software, we will learn how to use them and we will try to get involved in their development—to ensure that these tools that we rely on remain in good shape by having communities looking after them. Since many members of the WG are themselves tool developers, we will also learn from each other and will work towards improving interoperability between related tools.

While we do all of this, we will improve our knowledge of transferable skills: anything involved in modern software development (which are not limited to only writing tools, but are extremely important/useful when developing models using these tools).

The WG is shared between the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) and the Organization for Computational Neurosciences (OCNS). OCNS is also a member of the INCF.

The working group holds meetings every month that are open to all to attend. Please see the contacts page more information.

The WG is designed to not be linked to any one particular goal to allow it remain flexible enough so that it can take on projects that its members are interested in working on.