The INCF/OCNS Software Working Group

Dev session: Marcel Stimberg: Brian Simulator

Marcel Stimberg will introduce the Brian Simulator and discuss its development for the first developer session of the year.

  • Date: Feb 11, 2021 1700 UTC (Click here to see your local time).
  • Location (Zoom): (link no longer valid)

The abstract for the talk is below:

The Brian Simulator is a free, open-source simulator for spiking neural networks, written in Python. It provides researchers with the means to express any kind of neural model in mathematical notation and takes care of translating these model descriptions into efficient executable code. During this dev session I will first give a quick introduction to the simulator itself and its code generation mechanism. I will then walk through Brian’s code structure, our automatic systems for tests and documentation, and demonstrate how we work on its development. The Brian simulator welcome contributions on many levels, hopefully this dev session will give you an idea where to start.