The INCF/OCNS Software Working Group

WG meeting 10 January 2022

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash.

These are the meeting logs from the Software WG meeting that was held on 10th January, 2022. The next progress meeting will be held in February. For any clarifications and suggestions, please feel free to open a new ticket.


  • Ankur Sinha (Silver Lab, UCL)
  • Shailesh Appukuttan (NeuroPSI, CNRS)
  • Thomas Nowotny (University of Sussex)
  • Joe Graham (SUNY Downstate)
  • James Knight (University of Sussex)
  • Marcel Stimberg (Sorbonne University, Paris, France)


How can we improve participation in our events?

  • Shailesh/Thomas N (Software WG members on the OCNS Board) will poke the OCNS Board Social Media chair to share our sessions on OCNS accounts.
  • We can balance user and developer related sessions.
  • We can have a survey to gauge audience interest and topics
    • The survey needs to be short (2-3 minutes)
    • It should include a list of tutorials we can deliver
    • It should include a text box to allow people to make other suggestions
    • Shailesh to make survey form
    • Shailesh/Ankur send out to mailing lists

Apart from our regular dev talks, what other events to plan this coming year?

  • more user focussed events
  • CNS tutorials

Notes/comments/discussion on the software citation principles dev session

  • Credit in software development is not as clear/established as in papers
  • Could recommend citing both paper and exact version of software tools used (in methods)
  • Zenodo does give you a DOI for “all versions”, but this links to latest
  • Citation.cff on GitHub allows you to define multiple citations (preferred), but this needs to be done manually
  • Software Heritage IDs: point to exact snapshots; more for archival and permanent URLs. For example:
  • We can float the idea of Software Citation talk as part of primary conference program to OCNS Board

Preparation for CNS 2022

  • Prefer satellite tutorials before the conference (at least more than 2 days before so that folks aren’t travelling)
  • try and keep it very very cheap to encourage student participation: preferably have different registration rates
  • can disconnect from Sched etc. that are used for the main meeting if necessary

Making the working group more diverse


Worked well, agree to continue using it for future meetings.