- Mon 17 October 2022
- Events
- Ankur Sinha
- #Meeting logs, #Community

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash.
These are the meeting logs (and additional progress notes) from the Software WG meeting that was held on 10th October, 2022. The next progress meeting will be held in November. For any clarifications and suggestions, please open a new ticket.
- Ankur Sinha
- Dinara Issagaliyeva (INCF/Charite)
- Katarzyna Piekarz
- Marcel Stimberg
- Ankur Sinha
- Rahaf Albalkhi
Tasks from last meeting⋆
- Ankur send out e-mail to try and set up task forces for the two long running tasks: DONE
Setting up task forces⋆
- Wait for 2 weeks, till 23 October, for folks to join before initialising task forces
- Once deadline has passed, task forces organise initial meeting to get started
- Wait for responses before reaching out to more public channels
- ACTION: Ankur mention deadline in tickets/ML
- ACTION: Ankur e-mail OCNS asking to e-mail membership about task forces if required
- Software development guidelines
- Resource to allow users to select simulator to use
Open floor⋆
- ACTION: Ankur ping dev session/software highlight/tutorial tickets
- HED tools, Brian2CUDA in pipeline
- OCNS board election candidate period is open: strongly encourage folks from under-represented groups to self-nominate
- https://www.cnsorg.org/board-of-directors
- https://www.cnsorg.org/election-procedures
- open to members: sign up for membership here: https://www.cnsorg.org/join-ocns