- Wed 01 February 2023
- Events
- Ankur Sinha
- #Meeting logs, #Community

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash.
These are the meeting logs (and additional progress notes) from the Software WG meeting that was held on 16th January 2023. The next progress meeting will be held in February. For any clarifications and suggestions, please open a new ticket.
- task force updates
- ideas for sessions (dev sessions, hightlights etc.)
- initial discussion on whether or not we want to host satellite tutorials along with (before?) CNS*2023 (the conference is in Leipzig from July 15-19)
- tasks from last meeting (no pending tasks from last meeting)
Task force updates⋆
Guidelines task force⋆
- unsure of scope at the moment
- ACTION: Chitaranjan set up new doodle to plan next meeting: meeting in week starting 30 January to allow time for doodle filling
Simulator selection resource⋆
- consolidated updates document: https://hackmd.io/LWjtz9ykQbm7yg5X_RKpCQ?view
- progress on scope
- progress on inclusion criteria
- progress on “front end” design
- focus more on information useful to user/newcomer rather than technical information/criteria
- regular meeting schedule: alternate Wednesdays on 14 UTC. Next meeting is 25th January at 1400 UTC
- 4-5 regular task force members (more are always welcome!)
Ideas for sessions⋆
- ACTION: Ankur e-mail list asking for ideas
- ACTION: Marcel e-mail Dendrify devs about software hightlight/dev session and CC Ankur/Shailesh (https://github.com/OCNS/SoftwareWG/issues/93) (DONE)
Initial discussion on Satellite tutorials at CNS 2023⋆
- 2022: https://ocns.github.io/SoftwareWG/pages/software-wg-satellite-tutorials-at-cns-2022.html
- unsure if people are interested in live teaching sessions when they can go through documentation/videos/notebooks at their own pace when required
- if we do a repeat of last year, we will charge a small registration fee to filter out people that are registering for meetings but not necessarily attending: it will be a small fee, that can be waived without requiring documentation (similar to Neuromatch conferences)
- we will use something like Sched to ensure regular reminders are sent to registrants
- we will ask either INCF/OCNS to fund us, and they get whatever registration fees are collected in return
- alternatives
- software wg open day with a mix of user and dev focussed sessions, open to everyone to attend
- short software highlights some time before the conference to give people an idea of the tools (and what to expect from tutorials at CNS): open to everyone
- reproduction projects:
- tutors (tool devs) list some models that they would like reproduced in their simulators
- “students” work with them to reproduce them
- submit to rescience
- Issue: probably not doable in a day, so if done, will be a longer term project requiring multiple meetings
- internships - usually require some buy in from institutions, so not easy to do
- ACTION: Ankur put all this in a GitHub issue for discussion
- ACTION: Ankur e-mail tutors from last year to see what they think and what they are ready to do